On Wednesday, January 19, 2011 09:05:10 pm vikram wrote:
> Could this cause the application to be a resource hog?
Couldn't see why.
I use SHELL extensively for different reasons and have so far found it to be 
But for what you are attempting I would just like to add one thing.  As soon 
as you invoke any asynchronous process do not expect the outcome to be 
sequential.  For example if you log this way and "Open" n* instances of your 
form, the logging will be random. Or, if you are logging "Open" and say, 
"Activate" then the logging will be even more random, etc etc.  
I only say this because of the problems that I have had, even within the 
gambas IDE, to get events, (not Events!) to log in the correct order.
There have been occasions when I have had to insert WAIT's between logging 
Note, this is not a complaint against gambas!  It's just the normal things 
that happen within an OS like linux.
best regards
Bruce Bruen
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