> well actually before send the previous email i used that you say Matti.
> But drawArea.Refresh it Redraws the control.
> This may be call automatic the Draw.Begin and Draw.End but clears
> totally all the area and i cannot draw one rectangle and after a circle
> and then something else.
> So the solution i found was to set TRUE the Cache property.
> i attach the project if anyone like to see it.
> it is an example as Image example. It tries to demostrate the Draw and
> DrawingArea objects. It has some of the drawings methods, not all of
> them as Image example.
> Now i am wondering what is the code to make the same example with Cache
> property be set to FALSE. What you say is it possible? Until now i could
> not find something.

Why don't you take a look at any drawing example (except OnScreenDisplay) ?

Benoît Minisini

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