This is getting ridiculous.

I have now written a function to strip out all the headers and replace
all Chr(&C0) and all Chr(&80) (the ascii AE's) with a plain text AE.
The string is now

Could someone please explain why then when I Split(thestring, "65AE") I
get a 161 position array, many of which are empty? Yet again, 65AE only
occurs 2 times in my string.

And if I blindly barge through the routine with TRY, I must at a later
point split the array at "7AE", yet when I encounter the name
classybabe27_742, I get back classybabe2, _, 42.

And honestly all this stripping and replacing characters is not a
preferred solution. It's an ugly hack to a simple problem, that I'm
sure is going to create problems later in this project. A project I've
already invested 2 weeks in, and am about to have to scrap if this
isn't possible.

Please tell me I'm doing something wrong here, because if this language
cannot even split a simple string....

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