You can use also the checkinstall package to create deb files.

i use the next command line to create a deb file from the svn.

/reconf-all && ./configure -C && make && sudo checkinstall -D && sudo
chown user:user *.deb

i also created a file named description-pak which checkinstall uses.

On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 20:14 -0700, Ian Haywood wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:30 AM, rrivett <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm a new Gambas user. Does anyone know if or when Gambas3 will show up
> > in a Debian package, or if the Debian maintainer is likely to package
> > one of the release candidates for the Debian Experimental repository
> > prior to the full release of Gambas3?
> I have prepared debian packages and put them up for inclusion,
> currently waiting on a decision by the debian developers to include
> (well over 2 months, so I will follow up)
> Ian
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with DCOP, translate your program into any language, create network 
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