On Sat, 2011-09-24 at 00:14 +0200, tobias wrote:

> hi,
> i have a problem with regular expressions: i'm not very good in using them.
> i want to determine the comment string in a gambas comment with gb.pcre 
> and been sitting down for 3 hours now, totally frustrated...
> i thought, i have to search for the first ' apostrophe from the left 
> which isn't between "". i have experimented with the ugliest things but 
> nothing worked properly.
> i used these lines to test:
> Print "'" '"'"
> Print "text" 'comment
> and the line of RegExp.Compile(???) itself
> of course, they should give
> "'"
> comment
> (nothing)
> i got a solution that matched the first two ones correctly but no chance 
> for the regexp itself in line 3 (i always got something after the 
> apostrophe in the regexp)...
> i didn't get very far without getting wrong results, so i think there's 
> no need to post my tries
> i would be very glad if someone more experienced could help me.
> regards,
> tobi

I'm not sure whether you are trying to learn regexp patterns or parse a
gambas sourcecode line, but if the second then this is how I do it.

' Gambas module file

Public Sub Main()
Dim sSourceCode As String     ' The original source line
Dim sCode As String           ' The part of the source line that is code
Dim sComment As String        ' The part of the source line that is comment
Dim aComment As New String[]

sSourceCode = "  While surname<>\"O'Reilly\" or surname<>\"O'Malley\" Or 
surname <> \"O'Reilly-O'Malley\"          '' Loop around looking for the 
irishman called \"O'Reilly\", \"O'Malley\" or \"O'Reilly-O'Malley\""

        Print "Original==========="
        Print sSourceCode

aComment = Split(sSourceCode, "'", "\"", False, True)

        Print "Parsed==========="
        Print aComment.Join("\n")

sCode = Trim(aComment[0])
sComment = Trim(aComment.Join("'"))

        Print "Code part==========="
        Print sCode
        Print "Comment part==========="
        Print sComment



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