On 24.09.2011 01:16, Benoît Minisini wrote:
>> I'm not sure whether you are trying to learn regexp patterns or parse a
>> gambas sourcecode line, but if the second then this is how I do it.
>> ' Gambas module file
>> Public Sub Main()
>> Dim sSourceCode As String     ' The original source line
>> Dim sCode As String           ' The part of the source line that is code
>> Dim sComment As String        ' The part of the source line that is comment
>> Dim aComment As New String[]
>> sSourceCode = "  While surname<>\"O'Reilly\" or surname<>\"O'Malley\" Or
>> surname<>  \"O'Reilly-O'Malley\"          '' Loop around looking for the
>> irishman called \"O'Reilly\", \"O'Malley\" or \"O'Reilly-O'Malley\""
>>          Print "Original==========="
>>          Print sSourceCode
>> aComment = Split(sSourceCode, "'", "\"", False, True)
>>          Print "Parsed==========="
>>          Print aComment.Join("\n")
>> sCode = Trim(aComment[0])
>> aComment.Delete(0)
>> sComment = Trim(aComment.Join("'"))
>>          Print "Code part==========="
>>          Print sCode
>>          Print "Comment part==========="
>>          Print sComment
>> End
>> regards
>> Bruce
> Otherwise there is a Gambas syntax analyzer in the gb.eval component if you
> need...
ok, i think i can do something from that idea..
i'm writing a tool to tidy up source code for someone writing a book 
about gambas. the source code examples have to be standardised, sigh...
for the most of the indentation stuff, my regexp knowledge is enough, 
but finding the beginning of a comment is too much for me. i'll do it 
with string functions.
(comments have to be like that: "[normal 


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