On Mon, 2012-03-05 at 12:16 +0800, Ian Roper wrote:
> Could you use
> Exec ["xdg-open", Application.path &/ "myfile.pdf"]
> or is the bad practice ?
> Note # xdg-open is on most Linux Distros and will open a nominated file
> with the correct program if there is one installed for this purpose.
> Regards,
> Ian Roper ~ Perth - Western Australia.
N.B. gb.desktop provides the static Desktop class that does that exact
thing i.e. it runs the xdg.open script (the "portland" script) that is
included in gambas.  Also note that in my experience, few distros have
kept up to date with the portland project scripts.  The ones included
inside gambas are more up to date than several distros.

  Dim tmpfile as String

  Copy "myPDF.pdf" to tmpfile

or similar should do the trick

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