> Jussi; the ppa support are only in Winbuntu related, a user's
> facility in MS style.. jeje lest see a example in my wheeze
> instalation:
> oot@massenkoh:/etc# add-apt-repository ppa:nemh/gambas3
> bash: add-apt-repository: no se encontró la orden
> root@massenkoh:/etc#
> do u see?
> another, debian default instalation dont use sudo, root has a passwod
> in standar way..
> so we need a debian repository, venenux does but domain are down, we
> need mirrors.. and we provided gambas and related packages for debian
> users

Distribution called Winbuntu does not exist...

PPA is a Ubuntu specific thing (nothing similarity with Microsoft
Windows), and this repositories are not compatible other not Ubuntu
based ditributions. Ubuntu releases are not compatible with each
other, because Ubuntu is a Debian based operating system, and use
debian packages. Dependency system, you know, as a Debian user.

The debian installer does not have to specify a password for root.
Installer add the user to sudo group, and this user use own password to
get root permissions. So Debian can use the sudo, this is a default
setting if not use root password.


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