
I'm blundering through my first report. I've looked at the examples and 
tried the same code as in report1. Had to make some modifications to 
connect to MySQL Database. The report contains a ReportVBox called 
RVBCont and a ReportLabel called ReportLabel1.

The code is below:

Public Sub _new(sType As String)

   Dim $Query As String
   Dim Rlbl As ReportLabel
   Dim strTest As String

   $Query = "SELECT tblneighborhood.* FROM tblneighborhood ORDER BY 
Last_Name, First_Name LIMIT 10;"
   hResult1 = modMain.$Con.Exec($Query)
   'Report.Debug = True
   'ReportPanel1.DataCount = hResult1.Count
   strTest = CStr(hResult1.Count)

   For Each hResult1

     Rlbl = New ReportLabel(RVBCont)
     Rlbl.Autoresize = True
     Rlbl.Text = hResult1!Last_Name & " " & hResult1!First_Name
     strTest = Rlbl.Text
     Rlbl.Border.bottom.Width = "1px"



The report appears to run. Looking a strTest shows that the names are in 
the Rlbl.Text property.  Nothing prints on the report preview. It is 
blank. In the debug widow is the message "gnome keyring couldn't connect 
to /tmp/key-ring-nWROjb/pkcs11 - No such directory".

I'm using Gambas 3.5 on Ubutu 12.04 LTS.

By the way I did look a Fabien's sight but I do not speak French. Maybe 
some one could suggest a good reference in English.


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