2014-02-09 20:37 GMT+01:00 Marty <mmcg29...@frontier.com>:
> Hello,
> I'm blundering through my first report. I've looked at the examples and
> tried the same code as in report1. Had to make some modifications to
> connect to MySQL Database. The report contains a ReportVBox called
> RVBCont and a ReportLabel called ReportLabel1.
> The code is below:

try to put autoresize to true on the ReportVBox (it's defult size is
0) or it's expand property to true

This is a thing i want to change on the reportcontrol definition ...
they must have at less 1 cm of hight/width... but it's not so simple
when many report known the default to be at 0

> Public Sub _new(sType As String)
>    Dim $Query As String
>    Dim Rlbl As ReportLabel
>    Dim strTest As String
>    $Query = "SELECT tblneighborhood.* FROM tblneighborhood ORDER BY
> Last_Name, First_Name LIMIT 10;"
>    hResult1 = modMain.$Con.Exec($Query)
>    hResult1.MoveFirst
>    'Report.Debug = True
>    'ReportPanel1.DataCount = hResult1.Count
>    strTest = CStr(hResult1.Count)
>    For Each hResult1
>      Rlbl = New ReportLabel(RVBCont)
>      Rlbl.Autoresize = True
>      Rlbl.Text = hResult1!Last_Name & " " & hResult1!First_Name
>      strTest = Rlbl.Text
>      Rlbl.Border.bottom.Width = "1px"
>    Next
> End

Another thing

Add a reportHbox in the reportVBox in the report editor. Set its height as 1 cm

add in it a reportLabel name it lblField and delete the text property content.

then in the code

 Public Sub _new(sType As String)

   Dim $Query As String
   Dim Rlbl As ReportLabel
    Dim strTest As String

   $Query = "SELECT tblneighborhood.* FROM tblneighborhood ORDER BY
 Last_Name, First_Name LIMIT 10;"
    hResult1 = modMain.$Con.Exec($Query)

  ReportHBox1.DataCount = hResult1.Count

Public sub lblField_Data(Index as integer)

  Last.Data = hResult1!Last_Name & " " & hResult1!First_Name

> The report appears to run. Looking a strTest shows that the names are in
> the Rlbl.Text property.  Nothing prints on the report preview. It is
> blank. In the debug widow is the message "gnome keyring couldn't connect
> to /tmp/key-ring-nWROjb/pkcs11 - No such directory".
> I'm using Gambas 3.5 on Ubutu 12.04 LTS.
> By the way I did look a Fabien's sight but I do not speak French. Maybe
> some one could suggest a good reference in English.
> Thanks,
> Marty
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