El 15/08/14 a las #4, Jorge Carrión escribió:
> Jesus:
> In my computer works fine with both libraries qt and gtk. with LinuxMint 17.
> [System]
> Gambas=3.5.4
> OperatingSystem=Linux
> Kernel=3.13.0-24-generic
> Architecture=x86_64
> Distribution=Linux Mint 17 Qiana
> Desktop=GNOME
> Theme=QCleanlooks
> Language=es_ES.UTF-8
> Memory=7968M
> [Libraries]
> Cairo=libcairo.so.2.11301.0
> Curl=libcurl.so.4.3.0
> DBus=libdbus-1.so.3.7.6
> GStreamer=libgstreamer-0.10.so.0.30.0
> GStreamer=libgstreamer-1.0.so.0.204.0
> GTK+=libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.2400.23
> OpenGL=libGL.so.1.2.0
> Poppler=libpoppler.so.44.0.0
> Qt4=libQtCore.so.4.8.6
> SDL=libSDL-1.2.so.0.11.4
> Hope this help.
> Regards

Yes, the exact same configuration on my laptop, and it works fine also. 
So if the latest development version key events doesn't work, something 
has been changed since then. We'll wait until Benoit is back.

Thanks for your help.


Jesus Guardon

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