On Sun, 21 Sep 2014, B Bruen wrote:
> As some will know, we use a lot of third-party (i.e. developed by us) 
> components and libraries in our projects.
>  Some of these are re-usable pop-up forms to provide common features across 
> our gui apps. Things like  "AboutMe" and "SysInfos" forms that we need to 
> place in all our client applications.
> Each of these requires that we include the component in the project 
> properties, create a menu item in the relevant form and an event handler for 
> that menu item.  All these handlers essentially do is create an instance of 
> the pop-up and ShowModal it.
> The other day I had an idea.  I created a virtual control "wrapper" class 
> that takes care of the above by itself. All the coder need do is to place the 
> virtual control on the relevant form in form design mode.
> Anyway, this seems to work!  I cant see any problems and I am now looking at 
> more complex uses of this approach.  Perhaps it might be a way to implement 
> the IDE add-ins mentioned recently?
> Here is a project that mocks up this approach in that it is totally self 
> contained (i.e. doesn't use components or libraries). If you would take a 
> look you'll see that the main form, i.e. the "client", has no code at all for 
> managing the pop-up (but does have a handler for an event raised by the 
> pop-up).
> What do you think?

Veeeery nice idea! It looks a bit like an hack, though, because it's not
obvious (from the IDE form editor or otherwise) what the virtual control
does. I like it anyway.

I think you could even have a "MenuMaker" class which is your VControl.class
minus the menu-specific things. You would derive "HelpMaker" from that class
which provides the necessary names, like "mnuHelp", etc. and a real MakeMenu
method (or event handler?).

For the others: there is an error "Component not found: genutil". You can
either fix this yourselves or apply the attached patch. It seemed to be safe
to just remove that component (?).


"There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk
diff -urNaX /tmp/gambas-patch-ignore a/.project b/.project
--- a/.project	2014-09-21 00:22:13.000000000 +0200
+++ b/.project	2014-09-21 00:46:55.000000000 +0200
@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@
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