On 11/28/2014 09:22 AM, Fabien Bodard wrote:
> Yes Kevin it's a great idea !!
> 2014-11-28 6:55 GMT+01:00 Kevin Fishburne <kevinfishbu...@eightvirtues.com>:
>> On 11/24/2014 09:33 AM, Randall Morgan wrote:
>>> Hi Tobi,
>>> I have had some health issues and so I haven't been able to put much time
>>> into the magazine. I have also moved 1600 miles from where I was and that
>>> with the health issues delayed any work on the magazine. With my health
>>> right now I have a few good days and many not so good days. But I would
>>> love to publish your articles. The magazine's next issue will not follow
>>> the outline for issues as I just don't have the energy to produce all I had
>>> hoped for. I haven't even been coding at all in the past couple months.
>>> Once my treatment is over I hope I can get back to following the outline
>>> and publishing the magazine. At the moment is you write articles I will
>>> publish a mini-issue with your article and two on game development I had
>>> sent to me.
>>> I have high hopes for Gambas Magazine but at the moment I simply can't put
>>> in all the time it requires due to health issues.
>>> Thank you for all your help.
>> Hey Randall. I hope you get better soon. My mom's been in the hospital
>> for the last two months so yeah, being sick is no fun.
>> Cool that Tobi is submitting articles on game dev in GAMBAS. I would
>> like to contribute as well, although I'm not sure what specifically I
>> could address. Maybe I could go through the Sylph codebase and try to
>> break it down into the essential code blocks that set up the game loop?
>> Things like OpenGL init stuff, loading textures and models, creating
>> display lists, alpha blending modes and setting up a "camera". After
>> nearly five years of game dev using GAMBAS I've found that once those
>> basic things are taken care of, the rest is just normal (as in easy)
>> programming.

Fabien and Randall, I noticed gambasmag.com is down. I can ping it but 
nmap only returns 4567/tcp. Does it reside at a new location? Also, how 
should I format the article, or is it a Wordpress site or similar? 
Lastly, would you prefer the articles to be divided into different 
topics or a single large article covering all topics?

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sa...@eightvirtues.com
phone: (770) 853-6271

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