
I'd like to create a 'gb.util' component, written in Gambas, to collect 
useful non-GUI programming routines that can't go directly into the 
interpreter because it would make it too heavy.

For example:

- Creating a directory and all its parent.

- Removing accents from an UTF-8 string.

- A CsvFile class to read CSV files easily.

- Removing a directory recursively.

- Moving a file or a directory, whether source and destination are on 
the same device or not.


If you have ideas, just drop them. And better, uf you have code, and are 
agree to share it, modify it, maintain it, you are welcome!

The difficulty will be to find the best interface (class name, method 
name, where to put it) for that.

For example, for the removing accents method, I extended the String 
class. Logical... For directory methods, I created a new Shell static 

I'm waiting for your comments!

P.S. The gambas fram client is more and more polished. Don't hesitate to 
play with it. The more tests, the sooner it will be released. I want to 
release Gambas 3.7 as soon as it is ready, even if there is not a lot of 
other changes in Gambas.


Benoît Minisini

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