Le 01/12/2014 19:26, Julio Sanchez a écrit :
> Benoît:
>> content = Scan(text, "*<div>*</div>*")
> Yes, function as a "simple" between. But would not work with nestings
> Example:
>    Dim arrayStr As String[]
>    Dim text As String
>    text = "Hola <div> Bonito <div> gato </div> negro </div>"
>    ArrayStr = Scan(text, "*<div>*</div>*")
>    Print arrayStr[1]
> Return:
> "Bonito <div> gato"
> If you respect the nesting would return:
> "Bonito <div> gato </div> negro"
> Regards
> Julio

Your function does not respect the nesting too, doesn't it?

Benoît Minisini

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