On 12/01/2014 02:35 PM, Benoît Minisini wrote:
> Maybe an Oct$() function inside the interpreter. Octal is normally not
> needed with Gambas. Do you have any use of that?

Perhaps only occasional use, but, yes. Stat.Mode returns the mode of a 
file as a decimal integer which is not very intuitive for someone used 
to working with CHMOD with octal numbers. Oct$(420) --> 644

A while back I looked at the interpreter's source and it appeared that 
one conversion function (was it bin_hex?) was structured to allow for 
different conversions. But, it also looked as though there was no more 
room in the jump table. However, IIRC, those were actually conversion 
functions and not formatting functions.

Perhaps Format$ could allow for eg. Format$(mode, gb.Octal), or to 
follow what you originally proposed: eg. "Util.Oct$(mode) As String".


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