Okay Benoît, you can take me off your list of people to kill now that 
I've finally gotten around to implementing OpenAL. :)

The documentation online is pretty spartan, with much of it being 
outdated, but I still managed to set things up reasonably well to play a 
sine wave at a specified frequency and I think I've found the function 
to load a .wav file into an audio buffer in order to play it. The latter 
doesn't work, however. The "alure" class seems to be similar to "glu" in 
that it's a high-level "helper" class to make common functions easy, 
such as loading sound files directly.

This line should load the .wav file into the buffer and allow me to play 
it, but it returns False:

Print Alure.BufferDataFromFile("./test.wav", AudioBuffer[0])

Here's the example project if anyone wants to play with it:


This issue is probably unrelated, but on running the program this 
message displays in the debug window:

"Error loading libdumb.so.1: libdumb.so.1: cannot open shared object 
file: No such file or directory"

libdumb is described as "DUMB is a tracker library with support for IT, 
XM, S3M and MOD files." so I don't think that's an issue here. If OpenAL 
support it however, the library might need to be added as a dependency 
during compilation.

Kevin Fishburne
Eight Virtues
www: http://sales.eightvirtues.com
e-mail: sa...@eightvirtues.com
phone: (770) 853-6271

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