Le 11/11/2015 16:59, Moviga Technologies a écrit :
> This looks interesting. I think if you want to stay on par with HTML5,
> you should not use inline CSS though.

I do that because I refresh part of the pages by just sending HTML. If I 
have to separate the style, I would have to send HTML, and a bunch of 
javascript to update the style.

I think I will just add CSS classes so that the user can custom the look 
of the controls with its own style sheet.

In other words, I won't use HTML and CSS the way they are supposed to be 
used. As I said before, I'm using the web browser as a sophisticated 
terminal to put desktop-like applications on the web.

> Also, I believe that using flexboxes for layout containers would be a
> very good idea :) (take a look here:
> https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/)

I already use them.

> Form controls should also be implemented, but that I believe you have
> already planned?!

Yes. There is so many things to do!

Benoît Minisini

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