On Tue, 28 Jun 2016, adamn...@gmail.com wrote:
> Can anyone help me with this. I am looking for a "reversed" color chart 
> image. I'll explain..
> pic1 attached shows the generally accepted version of a color chart - which 
> generally I have absolutely no problemo with. (Its the one from the IDE image 
> editor.)
> What this shows in HSV terms is hue on the horizontal axis and saturation on 
> the vertical axis, the value figure is set by the slider on the right. Fine, 
> but what I need today is a chart with hue horizontally, value vertically and 
> saturation on the slider.  
> I can do the figgering to build the control but I cannot find - anywhere on 
> the the interwebs and beyond - a picture of the colors represented on those 
> axes. !!!
> Any clues gratefully accepted.

Then upload whatever picture your control yields. It will become *the*
reference chart for the HVS color space in no time.

(I don't know what you expect as an answer here. Should I try to write
such a control, too, and see if our pictures match?)


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