Comment #8 by zxMarce:


Sorry for the time it takes for me to answer.

Well, the example code is correct (and I have seen it before), but if you 
follow the SQLRowCount() link in the explanatory text you get to the call's 
documentation, which says:

        returns the number of rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. Many 
drivers (but not all) return the number of rows returned by the last executed 
SELECT statement too.

The important bit here is "Many drivers (but not all)". That alone makes an 
important part of Gambas fail with "some" database engines, and the worst part 
is that there's no way to know whether the called driver supports or not 
returning row counts for SELECT statements.

What's worse, if you think of it, the call should actually always fail for 
SELECT statements, because on a multithreaded multiuser RDBMS, there's always 
the chance that another thread/user adds or deletes records while your SELECT 
runs, making the call lie to you!

Let me find out what to do by installing a FB DB and its ODBC driver as I said 
earlier. I guess I'll use some sort of IF statement. When I get a SQLRowCount() 
of -1 (the default value for MSSQL if memory serves), I'll make the component 
call my alternate routine; otherwise, I'll keep what SQLRowCount() returns. But 
before implementing, I must test.

To mimic your setup as much as possible, please tell me what version of FB 
Server to get (I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop, and when I tried to install it I 
found there are a lot of FB flavors) and where should I get the same ODBC 
driver you're using if at all possible.

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