Comment #14 by zxMarce:


Actually, it was not that hard. The subtraction trick did its job flawlessly 
(and fast, even with the additional API calls), and the function even worked as 
expected when faced a row-less query.
In retrospective, I should already had known better than to assume "all records 
start at 1", when I know the SQL "standard" is not such ;)
Moreover, given that there are many more RDBMs out there (most unknown to me), 
having the component remember details for each type would not be a good idea, 
and kind of contrary to the whole ODBC concept of standardizing RDBM access as 
much as possible.

But now that I have your attention, Benoît, I'd like to ask you a question 
The usual Gambas Connection object use .Host for the host name and .Name for 
the desired database ("catalog" for MSSQL) to connect.
When using a ConnectionString, though, .Name returns either empty or the whole 
connstring, which I think is undesirable. It should, IMO, hold the database 
name, as expected.
But, alas, I cannot pinpoint in the ODBC component the correct 
object/place/struct/string to populate with the DB Name!

Can you lend a hand and point me in the right direction?

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