hi benoit i'm back! again with gambas web, and amnesia!

2017-02-15 22:33 GMT-04:00 Benoît Minisini <gam...@users.sourceforge.net>:

> Example with the configuration file of lighttpd:
> ...
> # This tells that all and executable files are cgi scripts,
> # and just them
> cgi.execute-x-only = "enable"
> cgi.assign = ( "" => "" )

that's its necesary to run any cgi gambas generated code? if yes why in
past doesn not mentioned in the gambas wiki explicy!?

> ...
> # This tell that the "/manager" URL is associated with the CGI script
> alias.url = ( "/manager" => "/path/to/MyCgiScript.gambas" )
its necesary associated a path with the app gambas path with the
there's a way to assing a arbitrary path to gambas cgi?

i mean just like php does, i put the exce and server runs!?

> Regards,
> --
> Benoît Minisini

the gambas tutorial in the wiki are not found by me or its not made yet,
the only info i got are the jbsan minimal tutorial.. very great .. but its
too minimal.

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)
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