On Sun, 02 Apr 2017, Tobias Boege wrote:
> Hello all,
> I wrote an RSS feed generator for one of my projects recently and could
> luckily complete also the parser before the new semester starts tomorrow.
> So you get a gb.rss component in the latest revision #8117.

@Benoit: I'm currently writing the documentation for this (inside the
source files at first). How did adding documentation to the wiki go again?
Do you have to poke a script on the server side which creates template
pages or do I just create the pages myself?

And before you do that: I intend to implement Atom besides RSS, too.
Do you think the name gb.rss is good enough to capture that? Another
possibility would be gb.webfeed, I guess. "Web syndication" seems to
be yet another word which encompasses RSS and Atom...


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