> ============================================================
> ================================================
> To update, I wrote these commands:
> ============================================================
> ================================================
> cd trunk
> sudo make uninstall
> cd
> rm -rf trunk/
> svn checkout svn://svn.code.sf.net/p/gambas/code/gambas/trunk
> cd trunk
> ( ./reconf-all && LLVM_CONFIG=llvm-config-3.5 ./configure -C ) >
> ~/Scrivania/R_conf-Trunk.log 2>&1
> ( make && sudo make install ) > ~/Scrivania/Make_Inst-Trunk.log 2>&1
> ============================================================
> ================================================

What? Why? No need to delete any sources, just use "svn update".

I hope svn still stays as alternative way, as in my experience git will
eventually make things very complicated.

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