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Guys, I need some help wwith  win frotz. When I press enter on the  icon
on my desktop to start up  win frotz, when sappi says press enter to
scan default directory, I press enter then nothing happens. There's no
speech. I turn on jaws and then jaws says: open a z code file. Why does
sappi not give me any game files. Why do I have to locate them with
jaws.  I have  made sure that the installation path is c:\program
files\win frotz\win frotz tts\games\ifarchive, but still sappi doesn't
give me a list of game files.

I'm using a seleron  processor with 1 gig processor. I'm using a 9 gig
hard drive, 256 mb ram, windows 98 second edition and I use on-board
sound, the sound on the mother board, not from my sound card. I play
games on my mom's computer when I visit her sometimes and on her
computer sapi perfectly tells me  the  list of games when I press enter.
I'm not sure which  sound card, processor,  and hard drive  she uses but
she have windows xp home and also 256 mb ram. 

IN the games itself, I  frequently battle to  understand words sappi
pronounces. I just feel, I can't make any sense of a text adventure if I
don't understand the word sappi speaks, especially if it's an object in
an area. Isn't there a way for  sapi to spell a word for me? If not, can
you recommend any free  text adventure  to use my screen reader with so
that I can  spell each word I don't understand. It's fine, if I then
don't understand the word I can look it up in word web, but now I can't
find any way with sapi to get   the word spelled.

Any help is highly appreciated


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