Hello everyone and a very big thanks for the feedback so far on our
survey.  We will publish the detailed results when we believe everyone
that wants to has had their say.  In the meantime, some news from us
about what we've got so far (be prepared for cool stuff to be

This e-mail is quite big so I will tell you what it covers.  We can
discuss individual parts in separate threads at a later date.  That date
will probably be around the start of August, as that is when I return
from all the conferences I'm going to this academic year.  So please
bear in mind that this is all about stuff we're planning, and not stuff
that will happen any time in the next few months (or even this year, for
some of it).  It is, however, all very cool and has been prompted by the
answers we've got so far from the survey, so I wanted to share it with
you soon.

Please give us feedback on if you think the plans are sane, so we can
avoid wasting our and your time, as well as ensuring we do new stuff
that is worthwhile for the whole AG community, not just our little part
of it.

I'm going to briefly discuss news in the following areas:

* Time spent on AGRIP
* ``Customer'' Support
* AQ development
* Stats development
* Future new engine development
* Future map editor development
* Improved development process

Here goes...

!!! Time Spent on AGRIP

My workload since October last year has increased to the point where I
felt it was becoming impossible to maintain, let alone develop, AQ and
the rest of the AGRIP project.  The same thing has happened to Sebby.
However, a large percentage of answers indicated that most of our users
want to see development continue and grow to realise all of our roadmap.

For a number of reasons, this has meant that AGRIP's goals and those of
my work may be slightly closer than I was thinking.  I'm going to try
spending a little more time on AGRIP when I return from the conferences
I'm going to, at the start of August.  If by the end of summer, things
are still going well for both my work and AGRIP because of this, I will
do my best to keep that time investment going.  That, along with any
help we get from the community (*stares right at you* ;-)) along the way
could ensure that the cool stuff this e-mail's about will happen.

I am interested in improving the situation further by streamlining
several aspects of the way we do things and possibly recruiting members
of the community to help us do things like supporting users.  On the
development side of things, we could look into sharing out development,
or at least making better use of the contributions people have made.

!!! ``Customer'' Support

We are currently looking into web-based/e-mail-based systems to improve
the support you're getting from us.  As our time is limited, it would be
handy to have some extra help here and that would definitely require a
centralised system to be put in place.  Even if nobody is able to help
out, at least it will enable us to track what types of bugs, problems,
support people require and if we've followed it up yet (currently that's
more difficult than we imagined).

Please let us know if you have suggestions for the support system and if
you'd be interested in helping us out (remember, this is all done in our
spare time).

!!! AQ Development

This is planned to continue, as per the roadmap.

!!! Stats Development

I'm working (and have been for some time) on improving the stats system.
The new system is not yet ready but is getting there.  It will support
the authentication and clans too.  It should also be more accessible.

Later on I will continue looking for more up-to-date / scalable
solutions for future games and projects we get involved in.  I would
like to see the whole thing written as a mod_python web application with
a nice database back-end.  This would take years, however, so we're
starting small with a better re-implementation of what we've got (where
better is equal to more extendable and easier to maintain and
redistribute for others who want to use it).

!!! Future New Engine Development

We're thinking about what comes next after AQ -- your suggestions would
be much appreciated.  We want to do another FPS at the moment... which
one should it be, and why?  Bear in mind that a finished product is at
least a year away, dependant on how much help we get from the community.
It should also be an Open Source game engine, so that we can ensure you
get all the freedoms you have with AQ (sadly this discounts Unreal
Tournament for the meantime).  Note that AQ is not going away any time
soon -- we are looking for very early ideas as to which future games
you'd like to see (or hear, touch, ...)

!!! Future Map Editor Development

We will be working on this at some point.  It is my hope it'll happen
before the above section, so it can be used for AQ.  Lots of you asked
for this and I would like to see it applicable to other accessible games
too -- it's up to developers of those games to get in touch so we can
work out how, closer to the time.  I will of course be publicising this
on the appropriate developers' lists when the time is right.

!!! Improved Development Process

There are lots of ways we are starting to improve the process; making
more code available for you all, trying new means of supporting users
and beginning to document cool stuff like auto-installing modifications
and so on.  If you feel there are any major omissions or mistakes being
made, please let us know.  Thanks in advance!

!!! The End

Once again, a huge thank you to all those that filled in the survey so
far, as well as all those who are about to :-).  It has helped
tremendously to see exactly what we are doing right and wrong and where
we should be going next.  I'm pleased that I am now able to spend a
little more time on the project and really do look forward to seeing
these plans come to fruition.

Thanks for reading this; I hope that it has allayed any concerns you may
have had about what direction we're going in.  I also hope it will
generate some discussion about things you'd like to see improve and how,
now that we seem to be at an appropriate point in the history of the

I look forward to really getting my teeth into this at the start of
August (in the mean time, I'll keep up with the discussion)...

best regards,

Matthew T. Atkinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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