In that mission it makes sense to be stuck with whatever you picked, and 
granted that would be kind of interesting.  I do like the interactive story 
and it makes sense in that regard to keep  a single ship thru an arc 
involving diffrent encounters,  and mostly I guess I was stuck in a more 
strategic mind frame than a tactical one, grin.
Since the game will be more story driven, the strategy element is lessened 
to allow more interesting fights and situations which is perfectly fine to 
I hope the last mission is the big fleet battle though with many dozens of 
ships on both sides in chaotic battle, that would be neat.

The truth will set you free...
Jesus of Nazareth  33 AD
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2006 9:40 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Updated draft of ships.

> Hi Allan,
> To answer your question about choosing ships. I am working on an idea of
> a sort of interactive story. You just happen to be the captain of
> starship x. So in that sense once you pick that starship she is yours
> until the end of the game.
> One reason I am not going to allow to change commands mid stream is for
> that very reason someone might choose to switch a command knowing that a
> specific mission is coming up where his or her current ship might not be
> the best choice, but the only vessel in the area to  respond to the
> threat. Here is an example of this.
> In my design notes my proposed mission 3 changelings sneekaboard Earth
> Station Mckinley and steel the U.S.S. Seleya from her repairs in space
> dock. They plan to take it back to Dominion space for research and
> study. However, you are the only starship in the area to intercept and
> stop her.
> Since Seleya belongs to the Sovereign-Class I know most folks would
> probably switch over to the Enterprise to be on a equal footing, but if
> you were commanding Bellerophon that would be sort of a cheat.
> So let's look it this way. Let's say you finished missions 1 and 2
> successfully using U.S.S. Bellerophon and had no way to switch commands.
> Here you have this kick butt heavily gunned starship trying to escape
> Federation space with top secret Starfleet technology.U.S.S.
> Bellerophon, your starship, is the only starship in interception range,
> and you are ordered to intercept.
> Ok, well, right off you know Seleya is better armoured than you, has
> double your shielding, and many times your firepower. You are hopelessly
> out gunned so you will have to look at this and use the one advantage
> you do have. The intrepid-Class can out run, out maneuver, and sustain
> high-warp over a Sovereign-Class any day.
> You could in theory do several hit and run attacks trying to stay just
> beyond her firing range. Hit move out of the way, hit her again, move, 
> etc.
> Other possabilities might be to try and stay on her aft and hammer her
> warp drive, and try and knock her out of warp or damage her primary
> power systems. If you can do that you will have a tactical advantage.
> What I am saying most of the time the ship is less important than
> knowing how to put what it does have to good use in a fight, and learn
> how to size up the other guys weaknesses.
> Take World War II. The Germans built the Bizmark, the biggest, the
> baddest, S.O.B. that was going to sail the atlantic up to that time. In
> her first engagement she made the H.M.S. Hood in to scrap in no time.
> However, there were a few faytal flaws. Poor air defence and once her
> rudder was damaged the ship was a uncontrollable wail. Not to mention
> her designers meant her to take on targets from a long rrange not close
> in fighting.
> Sure when the final show down came Bizmark took a heck of a pounding,
> but actually her flaws became apparent, and ended up being the end of her.
> The Japanese super battleship Yomato had similar flaws. In a one on one
> fight she would slotter the U.S. and British ships. However, in her
> final battle we launched an air attack against her, which she had no
> defence against, and went quickly to the bottom of the Pesific before
> reaching Okinawa.
> Moral of the story is no matter how good the ship, super weapon, there
> aways is a flaw in the design that can be used against it, and it is
> allover for it.
> As for what the ships look like the Prometheus class has a general
> Starfleet designed hull except it has four warp engines rather than the
> two we see on most starships.
> Allan Thompson wrote:
>> Hi Tom,
>> I like the list a lot, it really gives a good breakdown of strengths and
>> weaknesses. A couple questions however. I know what most of the ships 
>> look
>> like on the list, but what does a prometheus and nebula class star ship 
>> look
>> like?
>> Also, in the game, can a person pick the ship most suited for a 
>> particular
>> mission? or is a person stuck with the same ship for the whole game?
>> An example of what I mean would be this: lets say the player needs to
>> investigate a rumor about a dominion stronghold in an asteroid belt. This 
>> is
>> a recon mission, and sensors are imperitive in finding this base. Someone
>> would want the defiant or farragut instead of a big slugger with lesser
>> sensors since the mission would involve simply finding the base, not
>> fighting it or destroying it, which could be a seperate mission, which 
>> might
>> involve wanting to send in a diffrent ship to handle it. For destroying 
>> the
>> base I would definatly want something with lots of torps and shields, 
>> since
>> speed or sensors might not be really all that required for the mission.
>> I hope I explained myself in that scenario. I like the idea of difficulty
>> levels, but it would make sense to me to  use the proper ship for the 
>> proper
>> job, just like in the real life military where  there is seperate 
>> vehicles
>> for seperate jobs.
>> Of course, perhaps an incentive can be offered for completing a mission
>> with a more difficult ship, but it is an idea. What do you think?
>> The truth will set you free...
>> Jesus of Nazareth  33 AD
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