true tom.
However I fail to see why ms releases xp and vista in the same year.
I'd rather get xpsp3 and then later sp4 rather than vista.
Would be different if ms just said xp was going to die real soon, but its life 
has been extended.
And by the time xpsp4 dies if xpsp4 actually comes out, there is a chance that 
the next version of windows will be out.
Still who knows, its taken around 5 or so years for vista to come out, its 
probably going to take longer for the next gen systems after that.
Hopefully when I eventually get vista, prices have dropped and some nice 
persion has made hacks for some of the more anoying features.
Oh and for those that want vista, get xp media centre, Someone told me that 
vista is basically that.
Its a pitty the blind can't design its own windows interface like we used to do 
with the old keynote keysoft.
It would still use windows, its just we wouldn't use th interfaces windows had.
At 03:28 PM 12/1/2006, Thomas Ward wrote:
>short answer is because it is Microsoft. They need a good reason to have 
>everyone pay for an upgrade and get features they probably don't need or 
>If you stick with XP and get SP3 which is f ree Microsoft isn't getting 
>any money out of that. Therefore Vista is what you will end up buying 
>and paying through the nose for.
>shaun everiss wrote:
>> This ofcause puts the question why ms is releasing vista at all when there 
>> are 2 more or at least 1 definate service pack of xp coming.
>> This should give everyone time to adapt to vista, who knows maybe we will be 
>> passed vista by then.
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