
I've been reading the audio game maker documentation and am extremely 
impressed, sinse even though i don't know a lot about programming, I'm 
fairly certain with an example or two I could deffinately get my head around 
what building blocks do what here.

I do however have a couple of questions:

First, is there a way to create a useable inventory of items which a player 
could switch betwene? these could be different weapons and armour to equip, 
different spells with different hit radius and amo requirements aka magic 
points, keys, or healing potions or other replenishment items. If I haven't 
miss understood some of the item properties, it also appears you could use 
an inventory function in a vehicle based game to equip different parts to 
your vehicle to increase it's speed handling or offencive capabilities.

also, is it possible to set enemy resistance to particular items? such as 
certain creatures needing to be attacked by a specific item in order to be 

second, is there a way of creating player items that would allow attacks at 
a specific rate, ega chargeable sword swing which would do more damage?

I think these are the only two things i can see that would be needed to 
create an action/rpg game akin to Zelda or secret of Mana, (I'm truly 
impressed by the "ally" status option),  sinse everything else that I can 
think of is most deffinately there!

i was also wondering if there was any function in the game to create menues 
at specifictimes and locations. These could be used for all sorts of things, 
from choosing the world (useful in a vehicle based game for selecting paths 
or race courses), to choosing what you say to another charactor in an action 
or rpg game, with associated sound files (and maybe recieving different 
items as well), attached to each choice, it might also be possible to use a 
menue system to create turn based combat, by having menue choices attached 
to reduction in various charactors or opponent's stats, use of items etc 
(though obviously this would be more complicated to impliment.

Well, i can't wait to see what happens when the audio game maker is 
released, and what extra modules you've got in developement in the future to 
make the system even more diverse and let people create even more types of 
games (such as 2d side scrollers).

All the best with this project.

Beware the Grue!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "AudioGames.net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Discussion list for blind gamers" <Gamers@audyssey.org>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 12:05 PM
Subject: [Audyssey] Audio Game Maker - Sneak Peek

> Hello!
> For those interested, we're secretly adding stuff to 
> http://www.audiogamemaker.com/ . One draft of the manual is already online 
> (please be aware that this is not yet a finalised version - the contents 
> is still likely to change and there are quite a few typo's in there as 
> well). But this may give you some insights in what Audio Game Maker will 
> be.
> We also fixed the registration at the Game Accessibility forum 
> (http://www.game-accessibility.com/forum/index.php). Not that this forum 
> is also the home of the Audio Game Maker Forum, where you can share the 
> audio games you developed yourselves, ask for advice and meet others. 
> There were some issues with bad referrals during the old registration but 
> we fixed them now. We welcome all to come have a look.
> Greets,
> Richard
> http://www.audiogames.net
> http://www.game-accessibility.com
> http://www.audiogamemaker.com
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