Sorry all my caps lock was  accidentally on in part of the message. Its not
my intention to scream at all!
Guys, I really really hope the audio game  maker is going to be the start of
a huge gaming community.
You know what? Sighted  people, especially sighted children daily exchange
CARTRIDGES OF GAMES AMONGST EACH OTHERS.   And on each cartridge there is
about 60 games, ranging from side scrollers, to racing games, to shooter
games. I
want to tell you the account of a little honest boy. He was   always very
This boy fared badly in school, so his mom forbids him to play tv games
during the week. He's only allowed tv games during weekends.
This is to help him spend more time on home work. This one afternoon his mom
was at work and his friend brought him another cartridge full of games to
try out.   He  phoned his mom and asked if he can please   try out this new
He said: mom I know you don't want me to  play games during the week but I'm
very curious, so his mom allowed him  an hour justs because he is so honest.
An hour went by and  he phoned his mom again and said:  mom an hour has
passed, can I please have some  more time to try out these games?
He  could just as well played games. My mom is at work, how will she know
that I play games.
But he was honest, he phoned his  mom and asked permission.

I don't intend to go off topic.
That's just something kids can learn from.
But really guys! It would be  great if the  blind gaming community can grow
as large as the sighted gaming community.
|Just imagine if we can have more side scrollers.
I wish someone could make an accessible version of balloon fight.

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Dark
Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 5:23 AM
To: Gamers Discussion list
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Audio Game Maker - Sneak Peek

Hmmm, I see.

I had been thinking of the building blocks like "world" and "item" and
"Player" to refer to basically the same thing they would mean in a game,
hence my questions, but I see clearly their meaning is a lot more flexable,
and i'm already having thoughts as to how to create specific game events.

I do have several more questions, but Perhaps to cut down the number of
irritating people like me with long lists of questions, it might help if
there was a tutorial or written examples of how to create various game

the user's manual is a great reference but while I can very much see how
various objects sgo together, others are less clear to me.

I know there will be the example games, but it would very much help if there
was also a brief description of how each example game was created.

sorry for the insistance and the long and annoying posts of questions.

Beware the Grue!


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