Hi Karl,
That is of course one approach to defeating the enemy, but a more 
interesting tactic is to take out say the Romulans and Klingons first. 
That means leaving the security of the starbases, blowing away s many 
Klingons or Romulans as possible, and beat a retreat back to the stations.
One reason I go for the enemy cloak ships and destroy them early on is 
the Cardassians you know where they are at all times. The Klingons  can 
surprise you and one way of eleminating the surprise is destroying them 
as quickly as possible.

Karl wrote:
> Hi,
> I've found one tactic to be fairly successful, at least on easy. 
> Initially, I group my ships around the star bases, and destroy the 
> attackers. Then, I send all my ships into enemy space and take out the 
> nations one at a time.

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