Okie doke, here are my opinions--take 'em or leave 'em!

1. Do you want STFC 2.0 to be a turn based game as is, or would you like
> STFC 2 go real time where you command one starship, say Enterprise, and
> issue orders to your fleet? This would probably work similar to GTC
> where you give commands to your other ships, and they carry out your
> orders in real time...
Real time all the way!  I would love a real-time star trek game
> 2. The current STFC is based in the DS9 era. How would you feel about
> STFC 2 based on the TNG era of starships and enemies?
That would be cool, or you might want to go with the voyager series, both 
sound good.
> > 3. Do you want STFC 2 to feature different classes of starships, or have
> one single class of starship?
Choice is divine.  The federation had different classes for a reason, so 
definitely at least two or three should be included.
> 4. Currently STFC does not have any type of mines. Do you want STFC 2 to
> feature mines as a weapon?
Yeah, definitely.  That was one cool thing about GMA's star trek game.
> 5. Several you have expressed dislike for the current sector location.
> Would you rather have the x/y coordinates read out like 50 90 or 85 22
> rather than Sector A1 or E3?
Keep it like it is--too many numbers can muddle the head.
> 6. Some of you have requested the ability that each starship is equip
> with aft shields, port, starboard, bow shielding systems so that when a
> torpedo strike hits it damages the shields in one area which you may
> have to defend by transferring power from say from aft to bow or turn to
> allow the enemy hits to hit an area that is well shielded.
I think all that would be done in engineering, and no engineer would be dumb 
enough to wait for captain's orders regarding that.
> 6. In sTFC 1 there is only one class of Borg ship the Borg Cube. Would
> you like to see more classes of Borg ships such as Spheres, Scouts,
> Cubes, etc?
Sure man, and how about the horrors of assimilation if ya get caught, or 
seeing some old star fleet buddies coming at you as drones!
> 7. Are there any other special considerations you would like to make?
On line play would be fun but not necessary, and joystick/mouse support 
would be cool.  Also, one thing I didn't like about the first stfc was that 
you had to adjust course settings by 15 degree intervals, which is pretty 
big gaps when you're traveling hundreds of light years.  An option to enter 
such things manually would be good.  Also, if your sensors go offline you 
should only be able to target enemies by typing in their course directions, 
since the computer can no longer see the ships.>
> Thanks.

Ken Downey

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The pleasant way to get a massage--no staring, just caring.

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