I want the hull integraty to go back in to status.
After you lose mains you die.
At 06:27 PM 12/14/2006, david wrote:
>Also, I think you should be able to target certain areas of the enemy's ship 
>and they do the same to you. For example, you could target there engines and 
>make them immobile, or they could target your reactor. It would be more 
>realistic, but there would have to be some challenge to it.
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:29 PM
>Subject: Re: [Audyssey] STFC 2.0 questionnaire.
>> Hi Niall,
>> Snip
>> Next gen sounds good
>> I'm kind of new to star trek though I'm watching tng right now infact for
>> my first time it sounds like a good series.
>> End snip
>> Yeah, TNG was probably the best of the trek series. TNG is still my
>> favorite. Although, I like Voyager, original, DS9, and Enterprise as well.
>> Snip
>> classes sounds good also it would
>> be good if you could be different races too such as the romulens or the
>> borgue.
>> End snip
>> We will have to see about that. That really complicates things if I have
>> to code both an AI and end user controls for all starships to allow the
>> player to be a particular race.
>> Snip
>> Hmmm I'll have to think about that one I don't
>> like weapons that you can't defend yourself against that's what I find
>> annoying about startrek 1.0 is that the enemy can decloak and kill you in
>> one turn if they want to and it's especially hard on advanced and expert
>> since they have better ships then you and more of them.
>> End snip
>> That is where practice, strategy, and learning to play the game comes in
>> to play.
>> It is extremely difficult to really learn to play STFC correctly in it's
>> turn based state as you have to guess enemy attacks, and find ways to
>> keep them from ganging up on one starship and destroying it.
>> I think to this end real time might be somewhat easier on the gamer as
>> the other starships will be AI driven, and your main roll is to fly the
>> flagship, and direct them to defend the starbase, attack the Klingons,
>> or what ever.
>> Snip
>> Hmmm I'm not
>> sure maybe but it would be hard to do all that if you want a fast pased
>> game with lots of action and combat.
>> End snip
>> True... However, it does make things more interesting. Although, it
>> would seriously complicate things for the average gamer whom I figure
>> wants to be able to just jump in and play and not try and cover every
>> realistic possability.
>> Snip
>> Yeah that sounds good too just don't make them too powerful
>> lol.
>> End snip
>> Grin. The entire point of the Borg is to be powerful and tough. Likely
>> they will be like an advanced level or boss level of play.
>> Snip
>> Like
>> I said before being able to be the other teams would be cool which would
>> mean you would have to make each team equal in power.
>> End snip
>> Well, all the stats for the starships are more-or-less based on theStar
>> Trek tech manuals. Not all ships on Star Trek are equal in power. The
>> Cardassians for example have a top warp of 9.2 and something like 225
>> photon torpedoes. The Enterprise from TNG carries 250 photon torpedoes
>> and a max warp of 9.6. The Enterprise from Star Trek 8, 9, 10 has 300
>> photon torpedoes, 150 quantum torpedos, and a max warp of 9.7. Bottom
>> line if I were to do different races their starships would be based on
>> there actual abilities.
>> Of course, with experience levels they start out at actual true Trek
>> stats, and get more powerful as they are suppose to be more difficult
>> than normal.
>> Snip
>> online playing would be cool too.
>> End snip
>> That would be certainly interesting. Especially, for the turn based game
>> where 4 players could pick a race to command and then battle it out for
>> victory. That would likely be a free for all as everyone would be
>> enemies with everyone else.
>> Snip
>> Another thing is that each ship should
>> have much more health.
>> IN fc 1.0 it is far too easy to kill each other
>> there should be a good cross fire before 1 side is taken down.
>> End snip
>> Agreed, but the shielding actually isn't the issue here. The real issue
>> lies in being turn based and not being able to evade in real time, power
>> up your shields when hit, and being a ble to fire to many weapons at once.
>> There are ways to fix this though.
>> Have a random generator randomly select the damage done by an impact.
>> Have a random generater pick weather the hit was successful or missed.
>> Restrict the player and enemies to only a specific number of torpedoes
>> per turn meaning you may have to do many turns to a single battle.
>> Snip
>> This also
>> means you might want to have greater capasity for weapons since it won't
>> take so little to destroy each other if you go by my suggestions
>> End snip
>> Well, the weapons payloads themselves are set by Star Trek itself, and I
>> don't want to stray to far from cannon technical info.
>> However, as said before we can do things like move real time, or add in
>> hit/miss logic, etc to change the way the game reacts to shots.
>> Snip
>> I hope these answers help any and I wish you good luck with fc 2.0 and all
>> your other games in development.
>> End snip
>> Thanks. I really enjoyed your input. I will think about your
>> suggestions. Smile.
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