Ok, first of all, I know that I'm new to this list and my messages are a bit 
goofy sometimes and I hope I'm not irritating any of you. That's not what I'm 
out to do.
I'm seriously asking for this. I'm going to assume all the blindies here are 
familiar with walmart... hahaha. I want a game where you go around trashing 
walmart and getting points for what you destroy, how bad it is destroyed, etc. 
I'm serious as sin. If I get a sterio recorder, I'd go out and record samples 
of walmart and anything else and send them into a developer. I'd pay upwards of 
$50 for this! We need it! It needs realistic  stereo/surround sound, good voice 
acting and funny scenes so Its not just a bobbies revenge sourt of thing, but 
omfg would that not be great? Come on! How many of you haven't gone into 
walmart and thrown something into the next aisle only to hear an old lady 
shriek in surprise as she's bonked on the head? Or how many of you have gone 
into the pepsies and shaken every last one of them so that the next unfortunate 
customer will pick it up and turn their kitchen into a catastrophe? Liam? Tom? 
Drop whatever you are doing, and make me this game!
Seriously, action and adventure is awesome, rpg is wicked, but don't you guys 
think we need some funny games too? My sense of humor is my life line to 
sanity, which is probably why I'm so adamant about this, but I think it would 
be just awesome.
Take care and discuss it please! I think it would rock!

Spirit. In every language in all the Realms, surface and Underdark, in every 
and every place, the word has a ring of strength and determination. It is the
hero's strength, the mother's resilience, and the poor man's arm. It cannot be
broken, and it cannot be taken away.
This I must believe.
-Drizzt Do'Urden
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