I haven't played snes in a long time too, but I used to enjoy it a lot
when I was younger, street fighter and dragon ball Z mostly

On 4/30/13, Chris H <christopher...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good evening all.
> By the way a very interesting discussion on the post Windows Xp era.
> I thought I would start a new thread letting you know I used to play on
> the Snes.
> My favourite game was Streetfighter, both the standard version ii and
> Streetfighter Turbo. I never owned a Snes myself but used to play on
> either my cousins or my sister's machine.
> I also used to play Mortal Combat, but Streetfighter was the all time
> favourite for me, and it was excellent in terms of usability at the time.
> Thoughts welcome.
> Chris.
> --
> Christopher Hallsworth
> E-mail and Facebook:
> challswor...@sky.com
> Skype:
> chrishallsworth7266
> Twitter:
> http://www.twitter.com/@christopherh40
> Find my blog at
> challsworth2.wordpress.com
> ---
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