Hi Jim,

Smile. I wouldn't call you weird just set in your ways. I had wondered
why you gave your file names something short like winswar4.exe when
most people now days would pick a more explanatory file name like
Strip-War-4.exe . However, now that I know you always use the old Dos
8 letter  naming conventions that makes more sense. Although, Windows
hasn't been restricted to the 8 letter restrictions for years. I
believe they did away with that in Windows 95.

As far as using the My Documents and other personal folders in your
situation it probably comes down to personal choice, but on newer
Windows versions you wouldn't get that choice. Windows is becoming
more like Linux and other Unix variants where all of your personal
files go in your local user directory and saving files to anywhere
else is restricted by User Account Control and various read and write
permissions. So it would probably a good idea to eventually learn
where everything goes if you ever intend on migrating to a new PC
running something newer than XP.

As for myself I always use the personal directories provided by
Windows 7 such as My Documents, My Music, My Pictures, My Videos, etc
as it keeps everything nice and organized. Plus if I ever need to do a
quick backup or recovery all I have to do is grab my c:\Users
directory and I get everything all at once rather than having to hunt
all over creation to figure out if my books are in c:\Books, my notes
are in c:\Notes, my music in c:\Music, etc which is not only messy but
I can't just grab it all at once and do a daily or weekly backup of
the master Users directory and I have to hunt around and copy each
folder one by one.

Plus as you know I mainly use Linux not Windows these days so I am
quite familiar with the habit of using the proper personal directories
provided for their use. On Linux the user's documents, music, etc goes
in /home/user name/ and on Ubuntu, for example, they already have
various subdirectories such as Documents, Music, Videos, Pictures, and
Downloads in your user directory so it doesn't take a rocket scientist
to figure out where personal files should go. I am personally glad
Windows follows this convention as it makes finding things, for me at
least, a breeze.


On 5/30/13, Jim Kitchen <j...@kitchensinc.net> wrote:
> Hi Curt,
> Thank you very much for saying so.
> You know, I am like really old.  I do not like using the my documents, my
> computer or Windows Explorer.  The XP find feature works better for me.  You
> know as long as the folder that you want to search is not to deep.  But way
> more often I use the command prompt.  Again it is a pain if the folder is
> many folders deep or has convoluted names.  But in that case, if I think
> that I will want to go there again, I make a batch file to do that.  And
> then I have batch files that lists the folder in the format that I want at
> the time.  You know like the old eight by three file name format, then size,
> and then date.  And list by size or date etc.  For me that is just faster
> and easier and gives me the information that I am looking for.  Guess that I
> am just old and weird like that.

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