Hi Tom.

Well, really in genre terms I pick on this aspect in the top down games because we haven't really seen much advances. Perilous hearts had the complex enemy behaviour and different attack lengths, and I know this is something we discussed a great deal for your own side scroller, heck, even Q9 had minimal stratogy given that enemies like bears were better to take out at a distance or by playing hit and run. Of course, the full first person games like shades and swamp had their different enemy attacks and styles, ---- remember using proximity mines on gelatinous blobs or those nasty gun happy mutant humans, heck, gtc even had dodging and countering enemy fire as a major component of gameplay in a first person perspective, and this is something games like Swamp, or indeed papasangre and the Nightjar on the Iphone have taken to a hole new level (the somethin else games are pretty much just! working around different forms of enemies in first person).

For action games in the top down view however, it seems things hadn't advanced half that far, principley because it is dam difficult to actually gage where an enemy is or what it is doing before having to go into that hammer buttons fast attack fest.

I'm fairly sure this could! be rectified, with advanced enemy viewing tools, and with enemies actually attacking the player rather than just running into him/her at random, but it's not something we've seen yet, though that's a shame given how easy it is in the top down perspective to create complex layouts to explore.

This is why I personally believe if any game will advance our audio understanding of such a perspective it'll be The Airic games, since those have probably the most successful attempts at labyrinths, albeit I'm not convinced on fighting really having much complexity yet (a shame they took out the spin attack from the demo and only gave you guards shooting at you in the final area)..

All the best,


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