
Not sure if this is the place for such long game hints. But here's how I got 
down to the beach in the cove game. This spoiler is rather long and doesn't 
encompass the whole game just the getting down to the beach part.

[ For information about this game, type ABOUT. ]

"That'll be twenty five cents, Miss," says the driver as he helps you down 
from the carriage. You hand him a quarter and two nickels.

"Mighty lonely out here this time of year," he continues, slipping the coins 
into his coat pocket. "Are you sure you won't be wanting me to stick around? 
I'd hate to see such a fine young lady get herself stranded, especially with 
that storm blowin' in."

"Thank you, but I'll be fine," you assure him. "My fiance...," you start, 
then look away, unable to finish the lie.

"Ah, I see," he chuckles. "Well, then I wish you a pleasant afternoon. Just 
keep your eye on those clouds, ya hear?" Grinning broadly, he jumps up into 
the driver's box and releases the brake. Then with a flick of the reins he 
sends the carriage lurching forward, back down the rutted road between the 
cypress trees.

Finally, you're alone.

The Cove

An Interactive Seascape

Copyright (c) 2000 by Kathleen M. Fischer

Release 3 / Serial number 000525 / Inform v6.21 Library 6/10

Rocky Point

High above the surf, Rocky Point offers a sweeping view of the western sea. 
>From this lofty vantage point, looking south across a narrow strip of sand, 
you can clearly see the fractured granite cliffs that back the small cove 
below. To the north, the rugged coastline is dotted with offshore rocks and 
barren beaches, swept clear of sand by winter storms.

Turning toward the sea, you take a moment to soak up the last few rays of 
sunlight before the clouds roll in.


What do you want to examine?


Rising sixty feet above the sea, the cliffs are formed from heavily 
fractured granite. Though nearly vertical is most places, a small portion to 
the south has crumbled away, creating a narrow but walkable route down to 
the beach.

You find your mind drifting back over old memories of this place.


When was the last time you where here? It must be going on six years now. 
You remember everything about that day; how lovely it was in the morning, 
how clear the skies and sea were, how much you had been looking foward to 
it. A tear forms in the corner of your eye only to be whisked away by a 
sudden gust of wind. If only memories could be as easily removed.


You walk to the edge and look down.

The cliffs are nearly vertical here, with jumbled piles of boulders at their 
feet that exactly match the rock up above. With a nervous gulp, you quickly 
back away from the edge.


What do you want to examine?


Thrusting up from the sea, the offshore rocks are all sharp edges and 
points. Sometimes in groups, sometimes alone, they offer a safe haven for 
sea birds and a tragic end for any ship who strays to close to shore.


What do you want to examine?


In deeper waters, outside the cove, the sea is a deep, rich blue that 
sparkles in the sunlight. But in the shallows, as the waves curl toward the 
shore, it abruptly changes to a pale translucent green and is covered in a 
fine netting of foam.

A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach and flies off into the clouds.


What do you want to examine?


The clouds hang dark and forboding out over the sea, and there is no 
mistaking their stormy intent.

A flock of sea gulls rises from the beach, circle the cove once, then head 
out to sea.


What do you want to examine?


Masters of the air, these snowy white and gray birds seem to float 
effortlessly near the cliff walls, sometimes coming within inches of each 
other, without moving a feather.


What do you want to examine?


You pause to think, the sea gulls or the shore birds?

>short bird

You look around but are unable to find that which you seek.


What do you want to examine?

>shore birds

The small white birds with their crisp brown markings follow the water up 
and down the beach, pecking at the sand.

A sea gull's strident call echos off the cliffs.


You hesitate, as it seems a shame to come all this way and not enjoy the 


What do you want to examine?


Rising sixty feet above the sea, the cliffs are formed from heavily 
fractured granite. Though nearly vertical is most places, a small portion to 
the south has crumbled away, creating a narrow but walkable route down to 
the beach.


What do you want to attack?


You contemplate venting your frustrations on the cliffs, but resist the 

A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach below.


What do you want to attack?


After a moments thought you realize the sand is too far away.


What do you want to attack?


The sea gulls stay far out of reach.


What do you want to take?


After a moments thought you realize the offshore rocks is too far away.

A flock of sea gulls flies over the point and alights on the beach below.


What do you want to kill?


The sea gulls stay far out of reach.


What do you want to kill?


After a moments thought you realize the sand is too far away.

Sea gulls float by on the breeze, their wing tips within inches of each 


You mutter something incomprehensible.


What do you want to kill?


After a moments thought you realize the offshore rocks is too far away.


What do you want to kill?


You contemplate venting your frustrations on the cliffs, but resist the 

A sea gull's strident call echos off the cliffs.


What do you want to climb?


After deep consideration, you ultimately decide it's not worth the effort.


Lifting your skirt, you start down the cliffs, but find the soles of your 
shoes too slippery to make a safe descent.


What do you want to remove?


You take off your shoes and stockings, setting them aside.


Lifting your skirt, you carefully pick your way down to the beach below.

Stepping out onto the sand, you are immediately hit with a rush of memories; 
memories of time spent clambering over these rocks, of splashing in the 
water, and of being here with Jason. You shut your eyes and for an instant 
you can almost touch the past, hold it close, be part of it again, and then 
it's gone.

Opening your eyes, you wrap your arms around yourself and squint out toward 
the sea.


Surrounded by granite cliffs on three sides, this narrow strip of sand 
curves from north to south and faces a small cove to the west. With the tide 
this low, a marine terrace to the southwest lies exposed and accessible, 
though currently occupied by a large sea lion. To the north, the sea has dug 
a narrow, twisting tunnel through the headland.

Long ribbons of seaweed strewn across the shore mark the leading edge of the 
surf at a quarter of the way up the beach. Additional clumps, dried and full 
of sand, lie tangled amongst the rocks at the base of the cliffs -- a 
warning of the sea's intentions.

A long, slender piece of driftwood lies half buried in the sand.


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