Hi, AC.
Q 1. I am wondering why there are certain areas that are labeled as "not
yet playable" even though I am now a full subscriber. Does this have to
do with my
level of experience?
A: No.  They haven't been put into the game yet.  Theoretically, they will 
be soon, depending on how long it takes the GM to write and test them.
Q 2. I have also noticed that after making certain decisions in a
conflict/combat situation, that the option on fleeing usually seems to
mean that you won't be able
to come back and fight that individual later. I am specifically talking
about the priest that was beaten in the Cathedral, and the young guy at
the Moon
shore inn. I believe that is the name of the place. Will I be able to
actually fight these conflicts some time in the future, or is that aspect
of the
adventure actually over.
A: If there is not an option to abandon the adventure, you won't be able to 
go back.  Use that abandon adventure option liberally when it is present 
instead of possibly making it to the end of the adventure, saving your game 
and never being able to play that one again short of restarting your 
character.  If you need to identify an item, wait until you identify it to 
save your game.  If it is an adventure where you can get any of several 
items at the end, keep trying for the one you want.  Hint: To keep from 
playing the entire adventure again and again, save the game as close to the 
end of the adventure as you can. I am thinking particularly of the pumpkin 
adventure in Durnsig, but you won't have played that one yet, I guess.  Just 
keep it in mind.
Q 3. I am wondering how might a player go about earning/acquiring
adventure tokens  besides referring a friend.
A: Some of the adventures pay tokens as a reward.  Also, the GM is putting 
up all the proving grounds at some point.  when he does, adventure tokens 
may also be available there.  There is no way to outright buy them from 
Q 4. I ran across an option to explore the area I believe I was in Central
Tysa around the cathedral. However, they want you to enter a specific
How do you go about doing this. I have ran across one person so far who
gave me a street name and how many houses down the block she was, but
that's about
A:  When someone gives you information on where to find them again, write it 
down.  You can use a given street or name to find them.  Talinus is not the 
only city with that explore option.  I can think of two other adventures 
offhand where that particular explore function is needed.
Q 5. I am wondering if there is an option for either joining up with other
players during the game or engaging in battle with them. I see an option
for "see
other adventurers in this location", but after selecting it I just get
the name and ability for each of them.
A: As far as I know, the GM is not going to let other players battle each 
other.  I believe that function is there because of the forthcoming Runeskin 
adventures, which will require Sryth to band together.  We have never had a 
quest where all of our strength would be needed in a joint effort.  This 
should be very interesting indeed.
Q 6. This will be my final question for now at least. smile
Is there a document describing the various levels of mastery for skills
such as weaponry? I am talking about the levels of mastery such as
novice. I don't
know of any others because I haven't made it that far yet. smile I just
want to know how many points each level will need before it is
fulfilled/mastered. What effect does this have on my character's ability?
A:  In essence, these levels of mastery make your character better at a 
given skill.  To keep from talking in generalities, I'll talk about the 
weaponry skills.  For every 10 points, you move up a level, and your melee 
rating improves by one.  Let's say you've got level 30 in Weaponry and 
Weaponry: Slashing, but only 10 in Weaponry: Hacking.  You get the melee 
boosts from the weaponry and the slashing subskill.  You will be stronger 
with the +4 melee blade of the fox than with a +4 melee axe because you're a 
better slasher than hacker.
The documentation for Sryth may also be of some aid.

Does all this help?
Betty: Mongwen on Sryth 

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