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Ok all, here's something else I came across; this time in the second hp
book.  Dobby tried his best to keep harry from going back to Hogwarts.
He visited harry in his room while his parents had guests.  He asked
harry over and over not to go back to Hogwarts.  If  sarah aught  to be
strictly harry potter based, then dobby should also try to keep sarah
away from the castle.
When sarah enters the basement, dobby  should, instead of offering her
help and  giving her his mirror, tell her that its dangerous  here, she
should leave the castle.. If sarah walks down the staircase to the
basement, dobbie should Aparate to her and say something like:
"Miss, go back, its mortal danger here; don't return here again".  and
then disappear again.When I battled a lot to understand  the fake
dementors or boggarts, there was a huge argument on the list that in the
harrypotter books there was a shape shifting creature in the  staff room
whenever harry  unlocked the golden  cabin, then listers got impatient
with me because I didn't understand the concept of a fake dementor right
So if sarah is strictly based on harry potter, then dobby should also
try to convince sarah to leave the castle instead of offering her his
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