And Phil has an explanation even for this - the headmaster probably keeps 
the apparation protection running only during the school year. ;)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2007 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] strictly based on the harry potter books

> Hi Nicol,
> First, Sarah is based on Harry Potter, but is not strictly a Harry
> Potter game.  For example, all of the major enemies Harry Potter and his
> friends must face do not appear in the game. Apparently the Death Eaters
> are off doing something else, and have better things to do during the
> summer than hang around Hogworts.
> Second, is you need to understand Dobby had very specific reasons in
> book  2 for warning harry Potter away from Hogworts which are revealed
> at the end of the book.
> As you read on in to book Order of the Phoenix and Half Blood Prince you
> will find Hogworts is allot safer than the rest of the magic community
> as the Deather Eaters are preparing for the war that will likely go in
> to full blown warfair in Deathly Hallows. It so happens I believe Harry
> Potter will come of age in Deathly Hallows so he will be freely able to
> use his magical gifts outside Hogworts, and will have to do so to fight
> the Death Eaters.
> Anyway, my point is we can assume Sarah has no direct part to play in
> the coming war, thus is not a target, but she probably knows about it
> from reading the Daily Prophet.
> Remember the point of Sarah is she broke in to the castle when just
> about everyone was away, but Phil did make one mistake in writing this 
> game.
> Sarah can use a spell that according to the books Hogworts has magical
> protection against.
> Nicol Oosthuizen wrote:
>> NB: This email and its contents are subject to our email legal notice
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>> ----
>> Ok all, here's something else I came across; this time in the second hp
>> book.  Dobby tried his best to keep harry from going back to Hogwarts.
>> He visited harry in his room while his parents had guests.  He asked
>> harry over and over not to go back to Hogwarts.  If  sarah aught  to be
>> strictly harry potter based, then dobby should also try to keep sarah
>> away from the castle.
>> When sarah enters the basement, dobby  should, instead of offering her
>> help and  giving her his mirror, tell her that its dangerous  here, she
>> should leave the castle.. If sarah walks down the staircase to the
>> basement, dobbie should Aparate to her and say something like:
>> "Miss, go back, its mortal danger here; don't return here again".  and
>> then disappear again.When I battled a lot to understand  the fake
>> dementors or boggarts, there was a huge argument on the list that in the
>> harrypotter books there was a shape shifting creature in the  staff room
>> whenever harry  unlocked the golden  cabin, then listers got impatient
>> with me because I didn't understand the concept of a fake dementor right
>> away.
>> So if sarah is strictly based on harry potter, then dobby should also
>> try to convince sarah to leave the castle instead of offering her his
>> help.
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