Hi Damian.

Wow! so your now in charge of Savage gambit and Savage gambit redemption? 

You seem like quite a busy chap with this and bomb blaster on the go.

Here's a couple of my thoughts about the game.

While i certainly enjoyed the concept and execution of the game, i did find 
it rather easy once I'd memorized the punches and counters, a bit like 
boppit with slightly more switches to pull.

Stil, this might have just been me.

if you wanted to muck about with the game mechanics, you could considder 
customizing the enemies a bit, giving them special moves and counters with 
their own audio for instance, if they block a certain number of punches they 
get to taunt you and perform special moves, which you must avoide based on 
guess work, experience and knolige of the boxer's body. For instance, one of 
the big heavy enemies could yell "heads up" as he attempts to perform a 
symbols move on the sides of your head, which you must obviously duck to 

On a basic level, you might also considder varying the rythm of the punches, 
sinse one reason i found the game so easy is that the enemies blows came in 
such a rythm.

Statistics and a way to check them might be good as well, sinse often I 
found myself plugging away at the enemy trying to decide if i was actually 
damaging them or not. Along this line you might also include some jim 
training type games which you could do to increase your own boxer's 
stats, ----- though obviously this would mean loads of extra programming.

Also, more audio would deffinately be good, ----- such as taunts by the 
opponents before the match. I very much got the impression from the manual 
that the opponents did have very individualized personalities, but sinse all 
you heard of this was their pre-match laugh, it didn't really come across.

In the same way, different arenas in different locations with different 
background audio would be nice, apart from the traditional boxing ring with 
the crowd. Sinse the Savage Gambit is obviously quite a shady and violent 
tournament, you could have places like illegal dodgy bars, underground 
martial arts arenas, or mafia controled factories (yes! I'm a streetfighter 
fan, it shows doesn't it).

Obviously Bomb blaster is the major project your working on at the moment, 
and I know some of these changes would take a lot of time and effort to put 
into the game, but sinse you asked suggestions I thought I'd give a few.

Btw, you say your now hosting the game? Perhaps if you sent Phil and Richard 
the appropriate Url, they could put up a link to it on Pcs games and 
audiogames.net respectively.

Beware the Grue!



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