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Hay phil
Is the sarah game based on  the sixth harry potter book as well?
Can anyone explain to me why death eaters are so called? I have read a
lot about them in the hp books, they are voldemort's followers, but I
still can't understand  why they are called death eaters. Do they eat
the people they murdered or do they eat the condition of death itself?
Phil, in the story line behind the game, sarah bought a headless hat at
the weesley joke shop.
So that means that george and fred met sarah? IN the sarah  manual it
says that sarah had a chat with one of the owners of  the weesley joke
shop, and the owner told sarah it would be a fantastic  experience to
visit the castle. so was sarah talking to one of the twins?
Mods, please please don't be cross with me about this post. I really
don't know of any other list where harry potter books are discussed, so
guys please reply to me off-list if its not game related, I'm just so
immersed into the harry potter books, I just want to give my 2 sense
about snape.
You know its very ridiculous to think that a death  eater gave lessons.
IN Afrikaans we have an expression: he's a wire sitter. The one moment
he supports voldemort as death eater and the next moment he stands
innoscently on the podium as if nothing in the  world happened. I think
harry was   too soft. I think when  snape told him he's going to give
harry oclemensey lessons, harry should have told him in his face:
I'm  sorry, I'm not going to take lessons with a death eater. I'm only
taking lessons with upright people who doesn't support voldemort.
I can't believe it that harry was so soft, that he respected snape.  If
I  were harry, I would have refused to take any  lessons with a death
eater.  I think snape was a  hypocrite!
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