Hello everyone:

I thought I'd take a few moments to introduce myself.  I'm 27 and live  in
the beautiful Pacific Northwest.  Recently, I was told that the gamers list
still existed, but in a different form.  So,it's great to be here.

Where do I fit in where gaming is concerned?  I am a mudder at heart and
have been ever since 2001 when I first started playing on discworld.  I
never thought that I would enjoy mudding considering how horrible I am at
text-adventure games.  I think horrible may very well be the understatement
of the year.  I am bettter at the roleplay aspects of mudding than I am at
the whole leveling and choosing the best equipment.  I enjoy different
systems, especially those that allow me to be creative, such as preparing
crafts.  Alas, if only I could find one that focused on what some consider
the mundane.

I have played on many different styles of muds, from hack and slash to
roleplay-enforced.  Until recently, I was a staffer on a star wars mud, one
of the largest in the SWR family.  I spent four years there, but as they
say, when it isn't any fun anymore, it's time to move on.  Right now, I am
staffing on a mud called Project Bob, one of the most customizable muds that
i have ever come across.  I love it.  I don't have to be the
rule-enforcement wench, all I have to do is help create content.  Hooray!

It's fun to get back in to the accessible gaming scene.  I used to play D&D
on audiotips way back in the day and most of the names that I have seen thus
far are very familiar to me.

I'll draw this to a close, but will say that I look forward to participating
in discussions.

Take care.


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