Hi Richard,
The GMA game engine was written in Visual Basic 6. However, I suspect 
David Greenwood will have to update to something else sooner or later as 
Microsoft is pulling all support for Visual Basic 6 and earlier next 
year. The only Visual Basic apps that will be supported is those written 
in Visual Basic .Net 2003 or later.
For certain Vista's support for Visual Basic is the last will we will 
ever see. The next os after Vista won't support VB 6 and earlier at all. 
So apps using VB.Net, C#.Net, or good old C++ will have longer life cycles.

Richard Bennett wrote:
> Hello, 
> I was just wondering what language is the GMA game engine written in? This
> question may have been asked before and if it has, please forgive me, but I
> just got curious.
> Bean

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