Hi Che,
You do have a good point about readers having a choice to read or not to 
read certain authors blogs. If you know blogger x says things that 
offends you it is likely you won't read his or her future blogs. Kind of 
like if we don't like certain music. We can turn it off, change radio 
stations, etc and are not forced to take part in that music if it 
doesn't apeal or offends you.
However, my personal opinion is most bloggers can get along with writing 
good reviews without using colorful four letter words to describe the 
games the review. Though, I think this is apped to be up to Raul to 
decide since this blog is his idea.

Che wrote:
>   I think a potential blog should be viewed differently than this list as 
> far as content rules go.
>   Blogs are only viewed when the user wants to view them, if the content is 
> offensive, then they can just choose not to view that blog, therefore I 
> don't see the need to restrict blog content.
>   Blogs are great just for that reason, a person can post what they want and 
> develop a viewership based on their views.  It is like television, if you 
> don't like the obscene language and violence of the Sopranos, then change 
> the channel, no problem.
>   I for one won't be doing a blog if it is going to be censored.  For me, it 
> is one thing to have restrictions on an email list where everyone subscribed 
> gets what is posted, but a blog is something totally different and should be 
> a platform for the writer of that blog to write what they want, no matter 
> how stupid or immature it might be.
>   Just my two Lincolns worth.
>   Later,
>   Che

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