Hi Richard,
Well, some of the Egyptian and gods and goddesses names are exactly the 
same in English as ancient Egyptian like Osiris and Isis for  example. 
However, for the god Set hostorians don't all agree on the proper name 
for him. It really depends on who translated the name, and I guess there 
is some tricky reading of the heirogliphs for his name. Though, most 
historians refer to him commonly as Set.
At this point I am just brain storming ideas for the Tomb Hunter game. I 
like Egyptian history as well as the next Historian, but that is but one 
possible game plot.
I can easily see my new Tomb Hunter character exploring deep in some 
African or South American jungle, looking through some ancient 
mountains, searching a desert, etc...
Bottom line, our history is filled with thousands of quests for some 
mystical and mythical item or place like Atlantice, the Spear of 
Destany, Arc of the Covenant, Excalibur, fountain of youth, just to name 
some of the more popular choices. I could write an entire series of 
games surrounding this game character if the games become that popular.
If I run out of the usual suspects I can venture into more Sci-fi relms 
seaking some long lost alien artifact left hear by some alien race that 
visited our planet in ancient times. Basically, there is allot of 
options here.

Richard Bennett wrote:
> Hey Tom, well I believe I prefer Apophis to Set. I also would rather have
> the Ancient Egyptian names instead of the English translations. I also like
> Ancient Egyptian myths, pyramids, and other things of the time; however, I
> doubt that I know a 1/4 of what you seem to know about them. Good luck,
> Bean

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