Hi folks,

I don't post here very often. so, I am only going to make two comments 
bout all this fuss. The first being that I have always found Thomas very 
honest, and very very helpful. I don't remember exactly which version of 
the beta it was, but I had some trouble installing one of his earlier 
versions of Monty. Thomas, as well as several list members, were there 
to help. So, I will support Thomas in whatever type of game, or games, 
he eventually produces.

And, secondly, I am very very concerned by the out and out rudeness and 
vulgarity of some of these messages. It worries me even more that so 
many people who claim to be supporting Thom just seem to be using this 
disagreement to show of and act out, to name call, to use every form of 
bad language (and i don't mean bad grammar or spelling) that can be 
conceived in the English language. this disagreement is no excuse for 
this sort of behavior from anyone, and the fact that the majority of it 
seems to be coming from so-called Thom supporters is very troubling to 
me. Are there no basic rules of deportment on this list? But, i shall 
leave this matter up to the list mods to sort out as they see fit.

Now, my main point. I just want games which I, as a totally blind 
person, can play on my computer. I'll happily take side scrollers, 
arcade style even if we do have an abundance of those around, 3-d, 
puzzle, text adventures...basically, I'll take and try all sorts of 
games. Being totally blind all my life, the side scroller genre still 
feels fairly new to me as I didn't get to play all those neat old Atari 
style games, or if I did play them, you couldn't say by any stretch of 
the imagination that they were accessible. Please remember, if you can, 
that what may be old boring nostalgic to some may be brand new, or 
fairly new, for others.

So, folks, can we please get a grip, stop ripping Thom and all those who 
love side scrollers over the hot coals, act like respectful intelligent 
human beings and not a ravenous pack of starving wolves, and get back to 
the business of this list...the discussion of games, all forms and types 
of games? You're allowed to love side scrollers if you want, I know I 
do, as I love all other types of games.

Thom, you hang in there, take a break from this or any other email list 
where the insanity might be spreading, and just keep on being honest 
with us.

hank you.


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