hi all i may not be a modorater and yes i have done my fair share of flaming 
with this subject. now i feel this has gone on long enuff and i think it is 
time to end this disscussion. i have three points i want to make then i am 
going to be leaving this dissussion and not contributing any more to it. 

1. instead of arguing among our selves and keeping this flaming up all our 
efferts should be in poswaiding thomas that we are worth making games for and 
that staying would be rewarding for him. i have backed thomas up in a private 
email and will back him fully with this coumpany of his as he is honist and 
sencer. please excuse spelling mastakes. 

2. i agree with sean everist change needs to take place in the blind gamers 
community we need more games like monky business which i still have not cracked 
it is by far the most challenging game out their. so sean is write if we are 
going to stay with the same jonra of games for ever what is the point in this 
community? thomas and chee have the write idear thinking big thomas with the 
toom hunter stuff and chee with the roleplaying project. we should back theese 
kind of developers to the hilt as they want to make blind games close to 
sighted stuff. is that not what we are looking for? 

3. i would like to appolajise for any one i may have affended in the 
disscussion and would one day like to learn programming my self to make games 
but don't know if that will ever be possable for me. keep the good games 
comming and the changes for the better. 

take care thanks for reading and i hope that i get some positive responce to 
this mail. 

any one who wants to talk off list my contact details will be at the bottom of 
this mail. 

thanks for reading ian mcnamara. 



skype heeman2730 

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