Hi chris.

A few months ago someone found an indipendent game which happened to be 
accessible to screen readers, that was smugglers 3.

it's a scifi trading and batle game where you have a ship, and fly around 
the galaxy trading goods and fighting in a war, all in all it's great!

the developer has been very nice about access, and now the sequal smugglers 
4 is out, he's been including accessibility changes in the game as he brings 
out new versions, ---- though at this stage almost all of smugglers 4 is 

I'd deffinately recommend both smugglers games if you fancy something 
incredibly absorbing.

their both commercial games, but they both have demos.

you can get them at http://www.nielsbauergames.com/index.html


to everyone else, i actually worked out the crew combat screen, it was just 
a table that was slightly confusing me at first, and once I got my head 
around the layout it was fine, ---- i stil keep getting slaughtered in crew 
combat though, which is irritating!

Beware the grue!


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